Tuesday, January 23, 2007

All the Tech News You Need (in 20 min's or less)

Great post by ValleyWag: Get all the tech news you need (in 20 minutes a day)!

Here's a quick recap from VWag's post:

The tech industry is huge and ungainly, but it's not impossible to get a grasp of its daily news. There are ways to deeply understand tech through hours of reading per day, but for the busy pro with only 20 minutes for tech news, use the following daily process.

Optional time-saver: Instead of reading the sources below by going to the different sites, consider reading the RSS fees on Google Reader or Bloglines.

1. Skim the headlines of these top news sources:

Digg: Technology

2. Skim these sources for commentary:

Paul Kedrosky's Infectious Greed

3. Read these mainstream sources:

NY Times Technology
Financial Times

4. Once or twice a week, check in with these sources:

Wired News
Wired Magazine

5. Once a week, listen to this podcast during your commute: This Week in Tech

I like the resources VWag mentions, but might substitute a few of my faves:

DailyWireless, TechCrunch, and Unstrung (course, he might figure that TechCrunch gets all the pub it needs).

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